Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Souza V.R.C.

#1 - Glycemia and serum concentrations of insuline, triglycerides and cortisol in Mangalarga Marchador horses after physical exercise, 31(9):756-760

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Coelho C.S., Gama J.A.N., Lopes P.F.R. & Souza V.R.C. 2011. [Glycemia and serum concentrations of insuline, triglycerides and cortisol in Mangalarga Marchador horses after physical exercise.] Glicemia e concentrações séricas de insulina, triglicérides e cortisol em equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador após exercício físico. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(9):756-760. Programa de Mestrado em Ciência Animal, Centro Universitário Vila Velha, Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21, Vila Velha, ES 29102-770, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of this study was evaluate the influence of physical exercise of submaximal intensity (marcha gait) on biochemical variables used for the evaluation of energetic metabolism in Mangalarga Marchador horses trained in Espirito Santo, Brazil. Serum and plasma samples were obtained from 15 horses in four different moments: before (T0), 5 minutes (T1), 30 minutes (T2) and 2 hours (T3) after the exercise. Results showed that the imposed exercise did not influence plasmatic glucose, with mean values of 117.1±5.8g/dL, 122.6±59.6mg/dL, 124.8±48.6mg/dL and 112.9±49.1mg/dL, and serum insuline, with median values of 6.50mUI/mL, 2.00mUI/mL, 5.85mUI/mL and 11.60mUI/mL, respectively on the moments T0, T1, T2 and T3. Differently, it was possible to observe a positive influence of the exercise over serum triglycerides, with mean values of 25.4±14.9mg/dL, 42.3±17.8mg/dL, 31.4±17.7mg/dL and 25.1±15.1mg/dL, and serum cortisol, with mean values of 7.46±4.37mg/dL, 12.45±3.08mg/dL, 11.40±2.52mg/dL and 6.89±1.78mg/dL, respectively on the moments T0, T1, T2 and T3. It was possible to conclude that the marcha gait leaded to an elevation of serum triglycerides and cortisol levels. Also, as the values found were within reference levels, it was possible to conclude that the horses were used to this physical activity imposed on the occasion.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Coelho C.S., Gama J.A.N., Lopes P.F.R. & Souza V.R.C. 2011. [Glycemia and serum concentrations of insuline, triglycerides and cortisol in Mangalarga Marchador horses after physical exercise.] Glicemia e concentrações séricas de insulina, triglicérides e cortisol em equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador após exercício físico. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(9):756-760. Programa de Mestrado em Ciência Animal, Centro Universitário Vila Velha, Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21, Vila Velha, ES 29102-770, Brazil. E-mail: O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do exercício físico de intensidade submáxima (provas de marcha) sobre as variáveis bioquímicas sanguíneas usadas na avaliação do metabolismo energético em equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador criados no Estado do Espírito Santo. Para tal foram obtidas amostras de soro e plasma de 15 equinos, da raça Mangalarga Marchador, em quatro momentos assim definidos: antes (T0) e com 5 minutos (T1), 30 minutos (T2) e 2 horas (T3) após o término do exercício. A análise dos resultados demonstrou a não influência do exercício físico imposto sobre a glicose plasmática, com valores médios de 117,1±35,8mg/dL, 122,6±59,6mg/dL, 124,8± 48,6mg/dL e 112,9±49,1mg/dL, e sobre a insulina sérica, com valores de mediana de 6,50mUI/mL, 2,00mUI/mL, 5,85mUI/mL e 11,60mUI/mL, respectivamente, nos tempos T0, T1, T2 e T3. De forma oposta, foi possível observar uma influência significativa sobre triglicérides séricos, com valores médios de 25,4±14,9mg/dL, 42,3±17,8mg/dL, 31,4±17,7mg/dL e 25,1±15,1mg/dL, e sobre o cortisol sérico, com valores médios de 7,46±4,37mg/dL, 12,45±3,08mg/dL, 11,40±2,52mg/dL e 6,89±1,78mg/dL, respectivamente nos tempos T0, T1, T2 e T3. A interpretação destes resultados permitiu concluir que a marcha elevou as concentrações séricas de triglicérides e cortisol. Também foi possível destacar que, por tais valores encontrarem-se dentro de intervalos fisiológicos, os equinos usados estavam aptos ao nível de exercício físico imposto na ocasião.

#2 - Influence of physical exercise on serum activities of AST and CK and plasma concentration of lactate in Quarter horses submitted to team roping, 31(5):452-458

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Caiado J.C.C., Pissinate G.L., Souza V.R.C., Fonseca L.A. & Coelho C.S. 2011. [Influence of physical exercise on serum activities of AST and CK and plasma concentration of lactate in Quarter horses submitted to team roping.] Lactacidemia e concentrações séricas de aspartato aminotransferase e creatinoquinase em equinos da raça Quarto de Milha usados em provas de laço em dupla. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(5):452-458. Programa de Mestrado em Ciência Animal. Centro Universitário Vila Velha, Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21, Vila Velha, ES 29102-770, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of high intensity and short duration physical exercise (roping team competition) on plasma lactate and serum AST and CK concentrations in horses during competition at Espírito Santo state, Brazil. Blood samples were obtained from 20 Quarter Horses, or cross-bred, in three moments: (1) at rest, one week before the competition, with the animals being trained, (2) just before the competition, and (3) immediately after the exercise. The samples were sent to Laboratório Clínico do Centro Universitário Vila Velha for analysis. Plasma lactate concentrations were 0.49±0.24mmol/L, 0.93±0.16mmol/L e 9.86±2.09mmol/L, respectively, on the moments rest and immediately before and after the exercise. Serum concentrations of AST were 189.1±43.6 IU/L, 210.2±46.7 IU/L e 173.1±33.5 IU/L, respectively, on the moments rest and immediately before and after the exercise. Finally, serum concentrations of CK were 110.9±35.2 IU/L, 51.8±15.4 IU/L and 88.2±33.5 IU/L, respectively, on the moments rest and immediately before and after the exercise. Results showed that the imposed physical exercise leaded to a significant elevation of plasma lactate and serum CK without alteration on AST. It was possible to conclude that horses were adapted to the level of exercise performed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Caiado J.C.C., Pissinate G.L., Souza V.R.C., Fonseca L.A. & Coelho C.S. 2011. [Influence of physical exercise on serum activities of AST and CK and plasma concentration of lactate in Quarter horses submitted to team roping.] Lactacidemia e concentrações séricas de aspartato aminotransferase e creatinoquinase em equinos da raça Quarto de Milha usados em provas de laço em dupla. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(5):452-458. Programa de Mestrado em Ciência Animal. Centro Universitário Vila Velha, Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21, Vila Velha, ES 29102-770, Brazil. E-mail:

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV